High Road School of Windham County2024-11-25T14:07:03-05:00

High Road School of Windham County

High Road School of Windham County contains two satellite programs: High Road School of Hartford: High School and High Road School of Hartford: Primary & Middle School. Our programs offer academic, behavioral and social-emotional support designed to meet the individual needs of each of our students. Services also include transition services. Districts can refer students in grades K-12. We use positive behavioral supports and interventions, along with a team approach, to help our students learn emotional regulation skills and improve their academics. While students are with us, we collaborate with districts, families, outside service agencies to help our students be successful.

  • (P) 860.932.6160
  • 95 Westcott Rd.
    Danielson, CT 06239
Home > Our Locations > High Road Schools of Connecticut > High Road School of Windham County

Our Students

Students are referred by their school district to attend High Road School and are in grades K-12 (ages 5-22). They have disabilities in a variety of areas, including but not limited to Emotional Disabilities, Learning Disabilities, Specific Learning Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, and Other Health Impairments.

Our Staff

We are proud to employ certified special education teachers, a certified school social worker, and a transition coordinator.  Staff are trained in mindfulness techniques, emergency interventions and trauma-informed practices.  High Road’s interdisciplinary staff is responsible for providing our comprehensive special education program.

High Road School of Windham County contains two satellite programs: High Road School of Hartford: High School and High Road School of Hartford: Primary & Middle School. Our programs offer academic, behavioral and social-emotional support designed to meet the individual needs of each of our students. Districts can refer students in grades K-12.

The program is designed to focus on personalized academic and behavioral goals so that students can return to a less restrictive educational setting. The goals of the program are as follows:

  • To provide each student with the academic and social skills to be successful in the school, community, and family system
  • To prepare students to return to a less restrictive setting as quickly as possible
  • To prepare students for State of Connecticut testing programs
  • To provide students with consistent and structured tutorials in order to prevent regression and produce both academic and behavioral gains
  • To provide students with an array of cultural and recreational experiences

In addition, we accept students for 40-day diagnostic placement.

To supplement our school’s regular 10-month school year program, we offer an Extended School Year (ESY) program for eligible students. This summer programming provides academic support with an eye toward preventing regression of skills and maintaining academic and behavioral skills development through such means as subject area tutorials, behavioral instruction, recreational activities, and cultural experiences.

Family involvement continues to be a staple of the High Road model. Parents/guardians are encouraged to visit the school to learn more about our program, and to become as involved as they wish in the academic pursuits of their children.

By focusing on key areas — academics, behavior modifications, support services, and transition/life planning services — we are able to meet the individual needs of our students through varied approaches to instruction. Through collaboration with each student’s IEP team, we are able to choose the most appropriate learning model based on a given student’s present levels of performance across domains.

Utilizing three specific instructional rotations, students are assessed academically, gain self-regulation skills, learn with district-aligned academic curriculums, and utilize integrated technology.

The High Road Schools of Connecticut help students make the most of learning opportunities by employing certified specialists to give each student additional support as needed. Speech and language, occupational therapy, physical therapy, school social work, and BCBA services are available to support our students.

Our certified school social worker guides students with social, emotional and behavioral support. She focuses on helping students develop age-appropriate skills and behaviors for the classroom and beyond. She assists students in building self-esteem, applying social skills, and practicing leadership and team participation. Students are seen individually and in small group sessions. It is also not unusual to find her in the classroom leading social skills activities.

A BCBA regular visits the school to provide consultation and support for programming.

At High Road Schools, all related services personnel work closely with classroom teachers to assure integration of learned skills into all classroom activities.

Students participate in our transition program, where they complete career interest assessments, research careers, take trips to designated job sites where they observe, talk with, and assist professionals in various fields of work.

In addition to our high school program, High Road Schools have 12+ classrooms for students who are interested in and qualify for an additional year of transition and job readiness supports. These students complete some academic and office work in the morning and are then taken out to various job sites daily to gain work experience and increase life skills. Students in this program are responsible for managing their own “bank account” of money earned at the job sites and are then provided with Visa cards to practice managing income and expenses. These students also explore future career options and training programs required for desired careers. Our staff work diligently to identify students’ interests and foster partnerships with job sites that meet their specific interests.

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