Behavioral Support Experts
We’ve got 45+ years of supporting students with intensive behavioral needs. In that time, we’ve developed some of the best evidence-based learning models.
Positive Outcomes and Impacts
We provide each student with personalized instruction while focusing on positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS*).
Customizable Programs
To ensure the right fit for every student, In-District Classrooms can be customized by employing one or more of our classroom models based on each school’s needs.
Dedicated Classrooms for Students
SESI’s evidence-based In-District Classroom (IDC) models give every student (with or without an IEP) the ability to achieve success— your district simply provides the classroom space, and SESI handles all the staff and programming needs. Working closely with your district, we can create a customized plan to effectively address your schools’ specific behavioral, social-emotional, and academic learning needs — all working seamlessly within your district’s day-to-day operations.
Our Early Behavioral Intervention model is a short-term, therapeutic education model where students receive extra academic, behavioral, and specialized supports needed to fully engage in school, catch up on academic work, and achieve the success they deserve in all facets of life. This model supports elementary students not yet identified with a disability and experiencing significant challenges with appropriate behavior in a traditional classroom.
Instruction & Services
- District-required curriculum
- Access to state & local standards
- Access to reading/math intervention curriculum & support
- Individual & Small-Group Counseling
Our Intensive Behavioral Needs model serves students who have a developed means of communication and are seeking a more typical classroom experience. These students have mild-to-moderate cognitive disabilities. The goal of these classrooms is to provide students a safe learning environment, which reduces disruptive behaviors, increases self-awareness, and provides an opportunity for increased social skills.
In this model, students experience differentiated instruction and acquire academic skills in four rotations. Within these rotations, students are provided:
- Teacher-Directed Instruction that is personalized based on skills, pace, and styles.
- Independent Seatwork where students learn to self-monitor through guided practice opportunities with the curriculum.
- Small-Group Reinforcement Lessons that focus on social competency-building and interaction as learning proficiency increases.
- Technology-Based Workstations that offer computerized learning to supplement traditional
Instruction & Services
- District-preferred assessment & curriculum
- Access to state & local standards
- Access to reading/math intervention curriculum
- Alignment to IEP goals
- Individual & small-group counseling
A Functional Communication Support model is suited for students with autism and developmental disabilities who do not yet have a developed means of communication.
Our proprietary programming utilizes principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) strategies to: improve language-based social and leisure skills, build fine motor skills, reduce maladaptive behaviors, and generalize skills in real-life situations and natural environments
Each student spends a portion of the day rotating through different modalities of instruction. The skills a student learns in each modality are generalized and transition with that student to the next modality. The end goal is to ensure that the skills students learn can be utilized in new environments, influencing their ability to be independent in real-life encounters.
- Motor Lab
- Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT)
- Natural Environment Teaching (NET)
- Real-Life Encounters
Instruction & Services
- Comprehensive alternate assessment & curriculum
- Individualized academic and behavioral support program
- Utilize Principles of ABA
The Benefits of an In-District Classroom Partnership
It is critical for schools to have a plan that addresses significant behavioral and social-emotional needs. And our IDC program provides a full-service plan to support you, your students, and your parents.
Our In-District Classroom solution, which benefits both students and districts, focuses on intensive needs related to behavior and social-emotional learning. The solution is simple: you provide the classroom space, and we provide the staff and programming.

Cost-Effective Alternative to Private Placement
IDCs provide school districts with a long-term solution that potentially creates efficiencies in tuition, transportation, and other hard costs while alleviating the stress and hardship of going in alone.
Bringing Students Back to General Education
A structured system for students to transition back from private day schools and appropriately integrate with general education peers
A Personalized Setting for Each Student, Within their Home District
Individualized instruction and positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS), delivered in a small, highly structured therapeutic learning environment
The Student Goal of Continued Interaction with Peers
Planned and paced transitions into general education leads to more opportunities for engagement in school and extracurricular activities
In-District Classroom Success Stories
SESI’s goal in establishing dedicated classrooms in your district is simple: student success. By partnering with SESI to create an In-District Classroom, our expectation is that your schools and students will have success stories to share. Those stories may come from district savings – enabling cost allocation to other areas of need – or they could be students learning and applying positive behaviors so they can transition back to their general education classrooms fully engaged in their academics.
“I have a student now who’s come back to my classroom, who is a model student. He pays attention in class and does all of his work. Now, he’s one of the positive role models and he contributes to the class more than anyone.”
English Teacher, Brandywine Public Schools (Delaware)