Sierra Schools of Arizona2024-07-17T12:27:34-04:00

Serving students, districts and families in Arizona

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Our Schools & Classrooms Across the State

Our Schools

Accepting students from school districts as well as the Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) Program.

In-District Classrooms

Serving students in their home school, through partnership with their district.

A Peek Inside Our Schools & Classrooms

Student Spotlight: Maleek

Maleek has worked very hard to earn his way to blue level in the classroom. Maleek loves to put a smile on staff and peers face by giving them compliments. Maleek has also been working on stay on task during Math and Reading rotations by showing others how to be a good student in the classroom.

Read more about Maleek

An Individualized Approach

At our schools and classrooms across the state, our certified teachers and staff provide individualized academic and behavioral interventions for students who have not found success in the traditional classroom due to a variety of intensive special needs, behavioral issues, or coexisting disabilities. Our students come to us with a variety of special education classifications, including, but not limited to:

Emotional Disability

Other Disabilities

Service Models and Solutions

We serve students from schools districts and charter schools across the state both in our schools or in a separate district run facility. Regardless of location, the proprietary methodology we implement in all locations fulfills all student IEP requirements, creates customized academic and behavior modification plans, provides vocational and transitional services, and delivers related services.

Our Schools

Partnering with public and charter schools across the state to provide our high-caliber special education programs and fulfill individualized student placement need in our own standalone schools.

In-District Classrooms

Developed in partnership with a school, district or charter and delivered within their building or school, we serve students within their home districts, reducing the need for our-of-district placement.

Proud to Accept Empowerment Scholarship Account Program Students

The Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program is an account administered by The Arizona Department of Education that is funded by state tax dollars to provide educational options for qualified Arizona students. By opting out of the public school system, parents can seek a range of alternative educational services, such as our three schools. Contact any one of our schools to discuss the ESA program and understand the process.

Transition Planning for Life Beyond School

Sierra Schools prepare students for life beyond graduation.  The goals is for each student to find a balance between independence and interaction in the workplace and society.