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Find out how SESI can partner with you
Specialized Education Services, Inc.
Records Request:
Our general inbox does not handle record requests. If you are looking for records, please visit our school location page. From there, you can request records by selecting the specific school and submitting the request on the school website.
Strategic Partnerships:
If you’re a school district interested in our services, contact our Strategic Engagements Team, at [email protected].
HR & Career Opportunities:
For career opportunities visit our Careers site and for Human Resources questions email [email protected].
Press & Media Inquiries:
For press and media inquiries, contact RoseComm at [email protected].
Compliance & Ethics Inquiries:
For compliance and ethics questions or concerns, contact the Compliance and Ethics Hotline* (independently managed by ReportAnIssue.com) at (888) 420-7636; reportanissue.com/fullbloom/welcome.
*There will be no retribution for asking questions or raising concerns, or for reporting in good faith possible improper conduct through the Hotline.