Graham Academy Students Publish Book on “What Kindness Means to Us”

Eight students at The Graham Academy, a special education elementary school for students living with autism and students living with behavioral challenges, can now say “I am a published author”. Their writing activity assignments for World Kindness Day in November were collected and published into a professionally bound hardcover book. "What Kindness Means to Us" is now in print. Teacher Michelle Toepfer found the idea for the book publishing program online at Studentreasures Publishing. She sent away for the free kit that included a step-by-step guide to submit the student’s creations. Illustrations accompanied a hand-written sentence from each child on what [...]

Graham Academy Students Publish Book on “What Kindness Means to Us”2023-03-31T14:40:11-04:00

SPOTLIGHT: High Road School of Delaware social worker integral in helping her students achieve academic success

Every day and especially on World Social Work Day (March 21), it's important to highlight the essential role social workers play in promoting the well-being of students and their families. For the past three years Jade Rosenberg, MSS, HSV, a licensed social worker, has worked at the High Road School of Delaware as a full-time, on-site social worker. In this role, she serves some of the most vulnerable students in her community. Rosenberg witnesses the incredible resilience of her students, who face many difficult challenges, including family instability and trauma, which can have a profound impact on their academic performance, [...]

SPOTLIGHT: High Road School of Delaware social worker integral in helping her students achieve academic success2023-04-04T12:23:35-04:00

High Road School of Nashville Program Director Receives Surprise Proclamation from Mayor’s Office

Gentry Campbell, program director at the High Road School of Nashville, received a special (and surprise!) proclamation recently from Mayor John Cooper’s office. She was recognized for her leadership and dedication towards making sure the needs of High Road’s students are met so they may thrive in and out of school. Deputy Mayor of Community Engagement Brenda Haywood presented the proclamation. “I am humbled to receive this honor,” said Campbell, who joined High Road in 2018. “I admire my students and it is my pleasure to help prepare them academically and socially to be productive, contributing members of society once [...]

High Road School of Nashville Program Director Receives Surprise Proclamation from Mayor’s Office2023-03-15T13:18:30-04:00

Empowering Students to Tackle Test Anxiety

By Diane Myers, PhD, SVP, Special Education – Behavior at SESI Brittany Croteau, MSW, LCSW-C, Director of Behavior Support at SESI Ask any educator about the most challenging time of year and you’re likely to get a response related to state or district testing. While we all understand the need for annual assessments as a measure of progress, students and staff alike often experience heightened stress during “testing season.” In addition to the disruption to regular routines, many students experience test-related anxiety. Test anxiety can affect students for a variety of reasons: previous poor performance, difficulties with academic content, pressure [...]

Empowering Students to Tackle Test Anxiety2023-03-13T12:49:25-04:00

No hibernating for High Road School of Wright City Staff as they take Polar Plunge to support the Special Olympics

On February 4, faculty members from the High Road School of Wright City left their warm beds and headed for the frigid waters of Lake Saint Louis in Missouri. This marked the staff’s third year participating in the “Polar Plunge” event, in support of Special Olympics Missouri athletes. Adding to the fun, the team from the High Road School wore costumes representative of ‘90s cartoon characters for their dip into the freezing lake. Ahead of the event, teams fundraise with each member racing to have the most sign-ups, shares on social media, and donations. However, the real reward comes from [...]

No hibernating for High Road School of Wright City Staff as they take Polar Plunge to support the Special Olympics2023-03-06T10:01:35-05:00

SESI’s Behavior Tip of the Month: Behavior Reinforcement

The concept of reinforcement is fairly simple, but powerful: Behavior followed by pleasant results (for the person behaving) is likely to be repeated in the future.  Using reinforcement to increase appropriate behavior in the classroom is highly effective but requires careful planning and a thoughtful approach. Let's take a closer look at how we can use reinforcement to increase socially appropriate behavior for all students, including those with disabilities.  Since behavior followed by pleasant results (for the person behaving) tends to be repeated, we can think about how to set up this contingency in our classrooms. If we can arrange [...]

SESI’s Behavior Tip of the Month: Behavior Reinforcement2023-03-06T08:41:39-05:00

High Road Mid-Atlantic Schools Give Back

Staff and students from High Road Schools in the Mid-Atlantic region recently came together to participate in a community winter clothing and food drive event, hosted by the “Responsive Schools Initiative.” The Initiative focuses on social justice, responding to community concerns, and the promise to always address the needs of both students and staff. In collaboration with The Heartlight Foundation, which aims to make a difference in the lives of the disadvantaged, underserved, and disregarded, students from each participating school teamed up to stuff 30 bookbags with winter apparel and non-perishable snacks to benefit those experiencing homelessness and families in [...]

High Road Mid-Atlantic Schools Give Back2023-03-05T08:11:24-05:00

SESI’s Behavior Tip of the Month: Maximizing Structure

Maximizing structure helps make the most of each school day and proactively sets the stage for student success. The ideal environment is one in which students and staff can efficiently and effectively meet their expectations for the day. We’ll take a look at the five components of how to best maximize structure to create an environment conducive to positive classroom outcomes.  Structure in the Classroom  There are three types of structure to maximize in the classroom and in the school:  Physical Structure: Classroom furniture and intentional seating, materials, layout of the building, optimal staff location  Décor: Should reflect academic and [...]

SESI’s Behavior Tip of the Month: Maximizing Structure2023-02-07T10:45:14-05:00

Sierra School of Sacramento Students Enjoy Global School Day of Play

Students at the Sierra School of Sacramento spent a day outside of the classroom on Global School Play Day, an initiative to encourage more unstructured play during the school day. Sierra hosts a special event annually on February 1 to mark the occasion. The children and teens had fun playing with large board games, art stations and enjoying their brand-new playground that includes slides, swings, climbers, activity panels - and brought in specially for this day - a bounce house. Outdoor play is essential to children’s development and can provide a much-needed reprieve for students during the school day. After [...]

Sierra School of Sacramento Students Enjoy Global School Day of Play2023-02-06T16:27:51-05:00

Students at High Road School Baltimore County Showcase Talent

More than a dozen students at High Road School of Baltimore County entertained their classmates, staff and family members with song and dance at the school's recent talent show.    The event encouraged students to showcase something they were passionate about. Several students created dance routines, while others showed off moves from TikTok. Other performances included students singing pop, R&B, rap and country music songs. Additionally, one student shared their artwork.   “The talent show served as an opportunity to reinforce important life skills like teamwork, communication and decision-making” said Anthony Aiello, program director. “Seeing staff members and students sing along, clap [...]

Students at High Road School Baltimore County Showcase Talent2023-02-07T10:27:00-05:00