Thank You Ms. Miranda

Ms. Miranda has a great attitude and is very polite and always willing to help out. She has quickly built a rapport with students and consistently holds them accountable. She always supports staff and can be flexible when needed. Ms. Hartwich, the classroom teacher that works with Ms. Miranda boasts, “She has been an asset to our school. She has been very flexible in doing what is asked or needed. She has a calm demeanor and communicates openly when she has a concern or idea. Ms. Miranda has done a wonderful job integrating into our program. She supports the students, [...]

Thank You Ms. Miranda2022-01-18T00:28:32-05:00

Ms. Booze’s Achievements

Ms. Booze has made herself available for all staff and students. She has assisted and organized the basketball team, heads the transportation department, and is an overall positive school culture representative. She is also helpful and friendly with colleagues and provides assistance to students in crisis. Ms. Booze is also developing her leadership skills by sitting in on intake meetings and interview panel providing a good description to potential candidates for the assistant teacher position. Ms. Booze is a high achiever and demonstrates dedication to her job. She is very helpful around the school and very dependable when getting the [...]

Ms. Booze’s Achievements2022-01-18T00:28:37-05:00

Thank You Ms. Ashley

Ms. Ashley has been a great support during student check-ins, bathroom breaks, and covering classrooms. Ms. Ashley was nominated for teacher of the month because she always has a positive attitude and is quick to jump in and help. She has planned all the major events and is still able to run the front desk properly. Mrs. Ashley greets everyone who walks in our doors with a smile no matter what is happening around the building. "Mrs. Ashley, please know that all of your efforts and care are contagious and impact us all. Thank you so much for all that [...]

Thank You Ms. Ashley2022-01-18T00:34:14-05:00

What Would We Do Without Stacy?

Stacy has been a part of creating behavior intervention plans for students in the BEST Model; as well as assisting Academic teachers with creating plans for their students. She is energetic and engaging when interacting with the students and staff. She is an advocate for each student and makes a difference for students that need unique solutions. She is always willing to make changes based on their needs and what works for them. Stacy is an asset to the High Road team! She is always willing to help and offer support wherever she is needed. She currently maintains several staff [...]

What Would We Do Without Stacy?2022-01-18T00:34:14-05:00

Where Are They Now?

Class of 2018 graduate Jordan Greene is currently a student at Prince George's County Community College majoring in Psychology with aspirations to open his own counseling office specializing in Family Counseling. In addition to being a full-time student, Jordan also has a part-time job at Ledo's Pizza but is currently interviewing for other positions in the event planning field. When asked how High Road Academy prepared him to meet his post-secondary goals, he stated that all the work with the transition department helped him to become more confident when interviewing for potential jobs and meeting with professors. He also [...]

Where Are They Now?2022-01-18T00:34:14-05:00

Ms. April Encouragement

April has done an amazing job with both staff and students. She has done a great job of encouraging and being patient with some of the more challenging students. She does holiday crafts with Legos for all of the students and staff. April was able to get the majority of the staff certified in CPR and First Aid. She was patient and clear with her directions during the training. Her efforts to train the staff helped one member be able to react quickly and confidently during a serious situation when their family member was choking. Ms. April is an essential [...]

Ms. April Encouragement2022-01-18T00:34:14-05:00

Congratulations Bridget & Erin

Our February nominees are Bridget (Caroline Innovative Pathways Lead Teacher) and Erin (Caroline Innovative Pathways Assistant Teacher). Bridget and Erin are both new to us this year and together started a new program with flying colors. They are both highly driven to a standard of excellence in the classroom. They completely revamped the room and created a warm learning environment, not only in the physical sense but through true collaboration and partnership with one another. Bridget and Erin have been flexible with learning as they go and innovate when needed. The success at Pathways this year is definitely due to [...]

Congratulations Bridget & Erin2022-01-18T00:34:15-05:00

Mr. Shroyer Is Our Team Leader

Mr. Shroyer has done an excellent job in his new role as Team Leader and we are proud to name him Staff of the Month! He is constantly working diligently to educate himself in his areas of improvement while continuing to thrive in behavioral intervention with our students. Staff and students rely heavily on him throughout the day. Mr. Shroyer is always there to support anyone in our building even if it's not on his wing. Staff always feel supported by him and say he is doing a great job as a Team Leader. He has been working very [...]

Mr. Shroyer Is Our Team Leader2022-01-18T00:34:15-05:00

Mr. Landry’s Positive Attitude

Kyle joined us in the Fall of this year, entering the Special Education field for the first time since completing his BA in Psychology. He has a strong commitment to youth with special needs, having been involved in adaptive karate locally. He quickly has become an integral part of the BEST Academy community. He is willing to work with any student, building strong connections with even the most complex students. He is eager to learn and constantly active and involved. Kyle’s coworkers have recognized his willingness to learn and support in any situation. He responds quickly to any area of [...]

Mr. Landry’s Positive Attitude2022-01-18T00:34:15-05:00

Sean’s New Found Courage

Our character trait for January & February is courage. Sean has shown great courage these last two months by doing things that were difficult for him in the past. Sean struggled with going off-campus when he first started at Sierra Academy. He would refuse to get in the school van to go anywhere. In the last two months, Sean has gone off-campus for a field trip to the zoo, a blue level reward of lunch at Chick-Fil-A, and he now joins the rest of the high school, every other week to volunteer, doing tasks like cleaning, stocking, and inventory. “To [...]

Sean’s New Found Courage2022-01-18T00:34:16-05:00