November Student of the Month – Jayden

What has this student done over the past month to achieve Student of the Month? Jayden has been coming to school every day, and turned into a role model in his class, by focusing on himself, and putting in effort into his learning. He is motivated by our level system and is currently working towards Gold. Provide feedback from a teacher or staff member on why this student is Student of the Month Our staff selected Jayden because of his growth this month with his behavior as well as his motivation to learn and excel in his academics. His [...]

November Student of the Month – Jayden2022-01-18T00:29:32-05:00

Capital Academy Welcomes Mr. Parker

A message from Mr. Parker: Hello My name is Stephan Parker I am the High School Team Lead at Capital Academy. I have been apart of SESI Schools for going on 6 years with 4 of them being at Goodridge Academy in York, Pa in both the teaching and Climate Manager roles. I studied Biology at the University of West Virginia and International Studies and Education at California University of Pa. I am currently pursuing a Masters in Special Education through Shippensburg University. I truly enjoy working with our students and pushing them to limits outside of [...]

Capital Academy Welcomes Mr. Parker2019-11-25T17:40:59-05:00

Hapeville goes to College

On November 8, 2019, FCS PEAK Academies Hapeville campus took our annual Atlanta University Center(AUC) college tour, along with thirteen of our positive students. Each year, our students look forward to visiting the campuses of Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse College and Spelman College to gain the knowledge and exposure to college and “campus life”. While on this years tour, students were given the opportunity to speak with students that major in their field of interest, ask questions and hear words of wisdom from one of CAU’s professors, Dr.Campbell. Dr.Campbell spoke life and positivity into our students and stated “You [...]

Hapeville goes to College2019-11-25T18:46:02-05:00

Tanisha’s Resiliency

Tanisha has demonstrated tremendous resiliency as she continues to excel in her academic studies this month. She has been going through some difficult and trying times at home, however, this has not affected her academic performance. She has exhibited excellent behavior as well. Tanisha has acted as a role model to her peers as she has maintained her Gold Level status. As staff has watched her continue to be successful during her trying times, she has become an inspiration to the Aurora Day School Team. Tanisha is very proud that she is a Gold Level student. She enjoys [...]

Tanisha’s Resiliency2022-01-18T00:29:32-05:00

1st Quarter Awards

High Road School of Wallingford Primary/Middle is proud to announce our 1st quarter Award Recipients. The awards that our students are eligible to earn are High Honors, which students can earn for maintain an A- average in all subjects. Honor Roll includes a B- average or better in all subject areas. Students are also eligible for Perfect Attendance awards and academic awards centered around our i-Ready program for most minutes completed and highest number of lessons passed. The students who earned these awards are listed below. Perfect Attendance: Jayden Soni Isaac Ayala Isaac Colon Lamont Washington Xavier Candelaria-Morales i-Ready [...]

1st Quarter Awards2019-11-25T19:29:57-05:00

Reducing Negative Behavior With Gerald

This October our Elementary student of the month is Gerald Wilson-Branch. Gerald is a very hard-working 4th grade student in Ms. Kavney’s class here at High Road Lower School. This month Gerald has displayed model Blue level behavior. He is always willing to answer questions in class, he finishes his assignments on time and he works diligently to make the best grades possible. Gerald also volunteers to help his peers and his teachers whenever he gets the chance. Gerald continues to impress our staff with his positive attitude and dedication to learning on a daily basis. Our [...]

Reducing Negative Behavior With Gerald2022-01-18T00:29:34-05:00

Aubrey Finds Her Way

What has Aubrey accomplished over the past month to achieve Student of the Month? Aubrey enrolled at HRA in September 2017, and she is currently in the 8th grade. Aubrey expressed that she enjoys working with her teachers to get better, and she “wants to do a good job with (her) homework.” Her favorite subjects in school are math, reading and science. Aubrey shared that at her former school, she used to get lost in the hallways. “But now I can find my way,” Aubrey stated. Outside of school, Aubrey likes to play with her toys, read [...]

Aubrey Finds Her Way2022-01-18T00:29:36-05:00

Catapult Learning Schools Group Changes Name to Specialized Education Services, Inc. (SESI)

Catapult Learning Schools Group Changes Name to Specialized Education Services, Inc. (SESI) Name Provides Clarity While Continuing to Provide Outcomes-Driven Services for Children and their Families November 18, 2019, (Camden, NJ) – Catapult Learning, a leading provider of special education, instructional intervention, behavioral health and professional development solutions, today announced its Schools Group division is changing its name to Specialized Education Services, Inc. (SESI). The Catapult Learning Schools Group was known as SESI when it was acquired in 2015. This return to the original name reflects an ongoing commitment to providing education solutions for K-12 students (through age 21) who face [...]

Catapult Learning Schools Group Changes Name to Specialized Education Services, Inc. (SESI)2022-01-18T00:29:38-05:00

Student Success Story – Transitions

Over here in the High Road classroom at North Caroline High School, one of our students officially graduated out of the High Road classroom. Kennra joined the High Road classroom full-time at the beginning of 9th grade. Following Kennara's progress during her first semester with us, Kennara began integrating into the general education setting at the start of the 2018 Spring semester. With continued behavioral progress, displaying adaptability and use of appropriate coping skills, Kennara has been eligible for increasing her time in the general education setting each semester. Fast forward to the start of her 11th [...]

Student Success Story – Transitions2019-11-25T18:53:44-05:00

Hard Work is Paying Off

Amir is a sixth grader at Margaret Brent Middle School. Over the course of a few weeks he has made some big changes. Amir has has improved in multiple ways such as his work ethic, his hand writing, his behavior and staying on task. As staff we all encourage him to keep growing and giving him constant reminders of the growth that he has already presented to us. He went from completing 1-2 pages out of his reading work book to now completing 4-6 pages. He is definitely trying hard to do his best and it shows! [...]

Hard Work is Paying Off2019-11-16T03:08:30-05:00