Over here in the High Road classroom at North Caroline High School, one of our students officially graduated out of the High Road classroom. Kennra joined the High Road classroom full-time at the beginning of 9th grade. Following Kennara’s progress during her first semester with us, Kennara began integrating into the general education setting at the start of the 2018 Spring semester. With continued behavioral progress, displaying adaptability and use of appropriate coping skills, Kennara has been eligible for increasing her time in the general education setting each semester. Fast forward to the start of her 11th grade school year, Kennara began spending the full school day with her general education peers while participating in the Cosmetology program and English class. With consistent success and maintaining Blue level throughout her transitions and integration into the general education setting; Kennara has now officially transitioned out of the High Road classroom. We are all so proud of Kennara!