HOPE Program (Grades K-2)
The Sierra School at Wylie HOPE Program is a specialized, non-traditional classroom designed as a short term (minimum nine weeks and maximum 18 weeks) placement for students in grades K-2.
The HOPE Program focus is on utilizing supports, social and emotional learning (SEL) and positive behavioral interventions. Students receive direct teaching in social skills, appropriate classroom and school behaviors, and self-regulation skills in a structured, therapeutic setting.
Achieve Program (Grades 4-8)
Our Achieve program offers a specialized, non-traditional, therapeutic placement option for eligible students in Grades 2 through 4. The focus is on utilizing academic supports, social and emotional learning (SEL), and positive behavioral interventions to assist students in learning, generalizing, and maintaining positive social, emotional, and behavioral skills across multiple learning environments.
Students in Sierra School at Wylie’s Achieve program receive specialized, direct instruction in pro-social skills so they can learn to effectively identify and self-regulate their behavior in the least restrictive environment (LRE). Target skills may include, but not be limited to, being considerate, appropriate, safe, and engaged (CASE). Students will learn, and practice mindfulness techniques, self-regulation strategies, thought stopping/thought changing strategies, and motivational techniques that will allow them to gain more self-control, improve problem-solving skills.