Sierra School 2022 Thanksgiving Feast

Sierra School of San Diego’s ACT Program hosted the 2022 Thanksgiving Feast. Coming back from COVID restrictions and the school tripling in size, the ACT program created a new and improved Thanksgiving Feast! The ACT students grocery shopped for the food items, prepped all the food, cooked the food the day of and served the food/drinks to our guests. The feast menu included: water, lemonade, rolls, salad, gluten free and regular chicken nuggets, mash potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, vegan friendly stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pies. The ACT Program had fellow classrooms prepare Thanksgiving Feast decorations such as a welcome [...]

Sierra School 2022 Thanksgiving Feast2023-02-01T13:41:41-05:00

Sierra School of San Diego students give back to community in big way

Students at the Sierra School of San Diego regularly learn about the importance of being part of a community and giving back, and they recently participated in a canned food drive. Students came together to donate over 400 items to the San Diego Food Bank, providing 85 meals to local families in need this holiday season. The San Diego Food Bank delivered 10 large red donation barrels, each capable of holding up to 200 pounds total of nonperishable food, allowing each classroom to have its own container for food collection. Adding a little extra motivation to food drive, the donation [...]

Sierra School of San Diego students give back to community in big way2022-12-06T08:45:52-05:00

Cauliflower Collaboration

The lure of a sunny landscape, birdsong, and crafts with friends can be a welcome reprieve from a classroom. At Sierra School of San Diego in San Carlos, students in first grade up to age 22 can learn about bees, how to grow food, and later develop recipes from a growing area they share with San Carlos Community Garden. They can also practice social skills, teamwork, and communication—skills that often don’t come naturally. These youth are learning with autism spectrum disorders, emotional or intellectual disabilities, and other health issues, which can be challenging. However, outside, among the flowers and trees, as they focus [...]

Cauliflower Collaboration2022-10-31T17:07:27-04:00

Community gardens help students blossom and grow. As a therapist, I’ve seen it firsthand.

The garden teaches students about nutrition, stewardship of the earth, collaboration of neighbors and more. Leiser is an occupational therapist at the Sierra School of San Diego, which focuses on special education and is located in San Carlos. She lives in North Park. I distinctly remember the first time I stepped foot into the San Carlos Community Garden. It was a hot San Diego summer day four years ago and I was touring the campus as an occupational therapy student for my level two fieldwork rotation. I was ecstatic being able to implement outdoor therapy for my students in a [...]

Community gardens help students blossom and grow. As a therapist, I’ve seen it firsthand.2022-04-05T11:02:21-04:00

Successful Transition: Derek’s Story

Derek’s father explains in this video how his son was successful in his transition from Sierra School to the work force, due to Sierra School of San Diego’s Transition Skills Program. He says, “The transition from Sierra to his adult programs and activities was as smooth as we could have hoped for.” Derek participated in the Work Experience Program, a transition skills program funded by California’s WorkAbility I Program. Sierra Schools are committed to preparing youth to become responsible adults who participate in their communities and lead fulfilling lives. Parents can have peace of mind knowing their child is set [...]

Successful Transition: Derek’s Story2021-10-06T17:16:27-04:00