Quaytin’s Achievements

Quaytin was selected for the student of the month due to his progress academically and socially over the past year. He has gone from having most of his academics delivered in a separate one-to-one setting, to attending rotations in his classroom setting with peers. He has also improved his behaviors dramatically and is now on blue level of our system- the second-highest level! He was even able to attend a Fun Friday trip to go roller skating for the first time- which he was very excited for! Mr. Berardesca, Operations Manager, praises Quaytin’s progress saying “Quaytin has shown tremendous growth [...]

Quaytin’s Achievements2022-01-18T00:34:31-05:00

Staff of the Month – January 2020

Ms. Felix has been chosen for January’s staff of the month. She is a strong assistant teacher with many skills and talents other than teaching. She is an amazing artist who has been commissioned to show some of her work. She is also an active member of the Reserves serving our country. Ms. Felix is patient with her students and as a strong understanding of the Catapult Learning model. She is a strong teammate and is willing to take on any role including substitute teaching when needed. We thank Ms. Felix for her service in and out of the [...]

Staff of the Month – January 20202020-03-20T14:51:58-04:00

We’re All Proud Of Eion

At the beginning of the school year Eion was in our High Road classroom full time. He has not only transitioned into one General Education class but at the start of the 3rd quarter he will be going out to his 4th class. He has been able to maintain blue level and held the title of "Wild Cat of The Week" several times throughout the month. The "wild cat" of the week is a PBIS incentive that all of Lockerman Middle School partake in. He is a great role model for his peers and always willing to give a helping [...]

We’re All Proud Of Eion2022-01-18T00:34:39-05:00

Pennies For Patients

Students in Hamden's In-District classroom are taking part in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Pennies For Patients program at Dunbar Hill Elementary School. Students are collecting spare change while learning about service, leadership, and philanthropy. A campaign assistant at the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society spoke to the students at a school-wide assembly on January 21st. She explained about blood cancer and how the money the students were raising would help cancer patients and their families, and that each student has the power to make a difference. On January 27th, the students had a chance to participate in Pajama day--we [...]

Pennies For Patients2022-01-18T00:34:40-05:00

We’re All Proud Of Calencia

Calencia Jones was an exceptional student at PEAK Academy where she attended from 2017-2019. Throughout her time at PEAK Academy, staff was consistently impressed with her diligence, efficiency, and ability to get things done. Effortlessly, Calencia was able to achieve and maintain our highest student rating, Executive. Calencia assisted with running assemblies, grading papers, redirecting her peers, engaging in peer mediation/conflict resolution, and being a mentor and role model for her peers. Calencia took on daily challenges from students and staff and maintained a level of professionalism. Since leaving PEAK Academy, Calencia has returned to Langston Hughes High School and [...]

We’re All Proud Of Calencia2022-01-18T00:34:41-05:00