Fall Fun with Speech and Occupational Therapy

This fall in Speech and Occupational Therapy, we embraced all things fall with festive, hands-on activities! Students participated in edible crafts, games, reading comprehension exercises, multi-step direction tasks, and engaging fine and visual motor activities. One of the highlights was creating Pumpkin Patch Pudding Cups in small groups. Small group activities encourage social interaction and peer engagement while reinforcing both speech-language and occupational therapy goals. For this fun project, students used Oreos, candy corn, sprinkles, and pudding cups to build their pumpkin patches. They followed a visual recipe that guided them step-by-step through the process. [...]

Fall Fun with Speech and Occupational Therapy2024-12-05T18:06:16-05:00

Career Exploration Fair Day at High Road School of Wallingford Inspires Students

High Road School In Wallingford Hosts Career Exploration Fair Day The event offered students the opportunity to explore career paths and featured community members from police, music production, and media.   WALLINGFORD, CT — The High Road School of Wallingford hosted a Career Exploration Fair Day on Oct. 22. The event offered students the opportunity to explore exciting career paths and featured community members Sergeant Henry Cadett of the Wallingford Police Department, Marquan “Shrump” Reid, a local music producer, and Jess Gonnella of Connecticut Broadcasting. Each speaker shared their journeys in law enforcement, music production, and media, providing valuable [...]

Career Exploration Fair Day at High Road School of Wallingford Inspires Students2024-12-05T18:07:43-05:00