District Webinar

Restorative Practices for Students with Challenging Behavior:
Building Accountability and Empathy

Wednesday, February 7, 2024
2:00 PM ET | 1:00 PM CT | 11:00 AM PT
Duration: 1 hour

Restorative practices have resulted in increased student engagement and participation when implemented successfully when compared to traditional disciplinary measures. This helps reduce the academic achievement gap, as students spend more time in class learning. In this webinar, Dr. Myers will discuss how district leaders can help their staff repair harm, address conflicts, and meet each student’s needs so the relationship, environment, and community can be repaired and restored. There will also be time for a Q&A with Dr. Myers.

Register today for our upcoming webinar, hosted by Dr. Diane Myers, SESI’s SVP of Special Education – Behavior, to learn how restorative practices give district leaders a way to reach and help students struggling behaviorally. Dr. Myers will also provide tips for implementing these practices at the school level.

Diane Myers, Ph.D. SVP, Behavior
Susan Dean, LCSW-C – Director, Strategic Partnerships/Clinical Supervisor