Transitional Programs
Re-engaging Students with Their Education
To impact a student’s academic progress, social-emotional needs must first be addressed. Students in our standalone alternative education schools receive the extra academic, behavioral, and special education supports they need, so they’re able to fully engage in school and achieve the success they deserve in all facets of life.
Our Transitional Program students become engaged in their education once again by overcoming the behavioral, social-emotional, and academic challenges that have impeded or impacted their educational success. Once they’ve re-engaged in school and achieved academic success as outlined by the school district, these students can then smoothly transition back to their home school with the tools they need to succeed.
Guiding vulnerable students back to the classroom
Our Transitional Program students become engaged in their education once again by overcoming the behavioral, social-emotional, and academic challenges in their lives. We know our students have the desire to succeed — in school and in life — and they receive the opportunity and support to do so through our Transitional Programs.
Transitional Programs serve middle school and high school students who:
- were removed from their comprehensive school for serious behavioral issues,
- are years behind in coursework, and
- risk not matriculating or graduating on time.
Unaddressed disruptive behavior presents a strong correlation with poor academic success and life outcomes:
Percent of all dropouts that happen in the ninth grade
Percent of U.S. jobs a high school dropout is not eligible for
Percent of students promoted to the next grade level in 2018-19 through our Transitional Programs, putting them on a path to graduation and post-graduation success.
Source: Education Week, Children Trends Database March 17th, 2015
Our Transitional Programs
• Employ the same curriculum and assessments that students are using in their neighborhood public school
• Align to our school partner’s scope and sequence
• Provide an avenue for remediation and acceleration
• Keep students on track for promotion and graduation
• Ensure required course credit accumulation
• Provide skill development in leadership, positive peer relations, teamwork, and accountability
• Transition students to their home campus with the tools needed to interact positively with peers and adults
Our proven-effective model integrates behavior and academics, creating an active and intentional positive normative culture focused on restorative practices, leadership, accountability, teamwork, and academic success.
We work closely with students, parents, and our school district partners to ensure that every student transitions back to their home school successfully, as evidenced by:
• Improved attendance
• Improved behavior and citizenship
• Improved academics
“Growing up in a single parent home we had a choice — streets or education. I know a few people that took the streets and are never coming home. That was my motivation to get my act together.”
Andrew, 10th Grade Student