Catapult Academy of Muscogee
At Catapult Academy of Muscogee, we know that having a high school diploma will open doors to our student’s future. Careers they never thought possible start with their high school diploma. There are many benefits to earning your diploma versus a GED – better career opportunities, higher salaries, college opportunities, and most of all, pride in yourself! Traditional high school just may not be right for everyone. That is why Catapult Academy of Muscogee is as unique and individual as our students are, from the way you learn or your commitments at home or work. So, we have created a blended learning model that is flexible and works with your individual style. Designed for comfort and set up for success, our learning environment offers you the freedom to move about between classrooms, independent study areas, one-on-one learning support, or computer labs.

Alorie Feagins
Catapult Academy of Muscogee
2022-2023 Campus Winner