Pacific Beach teen wins award in financial literacy contest

Congratulations to Gabriel Trepashko, our very own 17-year-old student at the Sierra School of San Diego! Gabriel recently received Honorable Mention during the third annual Financial Literacy Superheroes Competition for his entry, "Luna The Super Saver Cat," who was created to encourage good financial habits. We could not be more proud of him! Read the Whole Story! Learn more about our school today.

Pacific Beach teen wins award in financial literacy contest2024-05-09T15:13:46-04:00

Sierra School of San Diego’s NFAR Grant Winner!

The Occupational Therapy department at the Sierra School of San Diego has attained the National Foundation for Autism Research (NFAR) grant, aimed at supporting educators and therapists working with individuals with Autism. This grant will fund an upgrade for the therapy mats in the Motor Lab, ensuring safety of students during direct OT treatment sessions and student’s sensory regulation breaks. During these sessions students utilize the therapy mats to practice motor skills and engage in sensory activities, laying the foundation for successful participation in daily activities in the classroom environment. The replacement of these mats with [...]

Sierra School of San Diego’s NFAR Grant Winner!2024-02-13T11:00:48-05:00

Sierra School of San Diego students develop employment skills through community based jobs

Sierra off campus jobs have officially kicked off this week. After several weeks of students filling out applications, interviewing and getting accepted for a position, students were anxious and excited to get started. Isaias is placed at Partners Therapeutic Horsemanship. Isaias takes care of the grounds and preps the horses for other clients to do horse therapy. Isaias will be working 1 time a week and getting a paycheck through our workability grant. He was beyond excited to have a successful first day on the job! Learn more about our school today.

Sierra School of San Diego students develop employment skills through community based jobs2023-12-04T11:31:15-05:00

Sierra School of San Diego’s Football MVP, Annalise

Sierra wrapped up a successful fun filled football season last week! Our Sierra School of San Diego coaches hosted a sports banquet for all the football players. Annalise won an award for Most Valuable Player-MVP! She was an asset to her team, a positive team player, had great sportsmanship and scored many touchdowns. All the coaches were so proud of her! Learn more about our school today.

Sierra School of San Diego’s Football MVP, Annalise2023-11-29T14:32:57-05:00

Sierra School of San Diego’s Student of the Month Kaisei is Accountable!

Kaisei won Student of the month in Ms. Philips class for being Accountable. Kaisei does a great job being accountable in class by following directions and following his rotation schedule. We are so proud of Kaisei and how much progress he has made. He is doing such a great job this year! Learn more about our school today.

Sierra School of San Diego’s Student of the Month Kaisei is Accountable!2023-11-29T13:59:04-05:00