Janelle’s Reliability

Janelle is a reliable staff member who always jumps in to help. She is always willing to provide support wherever she is needed, often times substituting as a transportation driver at the last minute. She works with our BEST model elementary students and does a wonderful job, helping them develop foundational skills. She is so kind, and very caring to each of the students. Janelle was selected because of her flexibility and willingness to cover for other staff members, when needed. Janelle has been a positive force and a consistent reliable staff member, we are lucky to have [...]

Janelle’s Reliability2022-01-18T00:29:15-05:00

Jaxen’s Achievements

Our character trait for the month of October was respect. Jaxen exemplifies this trait in all settings of his school day. He is polite, and always using his manners with students and staff. He was also one of two students who made all his iReady minutes, plus got 100% on the lessons. Jaxen was chose as student of the month because he always works hard and does his best, each day. He is respectful to staff and his peers. He is always trying to make sure other students have someone to play with. Jaxen was one of the [...]

Jaxen’s Achievements2022-01-18T00:29:15-05:00

Focusing on Responsibility

Our character trait for August and September was RESPONSIBILITY. We have two students who were chose as student of the month, who represent this character trait. Noah W. and Jazzmine C. are both students who have shown great responsibility. Noah, a seventh grade student, has shown so much progress in just the first quarter of school. Noah has been responsible for his actions, his work, and his attitude. In fact, he is the first, and so far only student, to have earned GOLD LEVEL. Jazzmine, a twelfth grade student, has shown great maturity in her responsibility this [...]

Focusing on Responsibility2022-01-18T00:31:51-05:00

Ms. Patience, Staff of the Month

Patience Jensen is our staff of the month for September! Patience joined Sierra Academy just a couple of months ago, and she has jumped right in. She is flexile and willing to be moved from one class to another, to offer support when needed. Her gentle domineer and positive personality is evident, no matter what the job assignment requires. Ms. Patience works with numerous students, and she somehow manages to adapt and provide for the individual needs of each of them. Patience was chosen as staff of the month because of her flexibility, care for the children, [...]

Ms. Patience, Staff of the Month2022-01-18T00:33:33-05:00

Mr. Scott, A Calming Presence

Scott W. is our staff of the month for August! From the time Scott joined Sierra Academy in February 2017, he has been as asset to the team. He is always willing to step in where help is needed, no matter what the job entails. He works specifically with our severe/profound population, and the students in his room respond well to his calm, fun personality. At times, Mr. Scott works with four students at once and he handles it with such grace, professionalism and with a great attitude. Scott was chosen as staff of the month, for [...]

Mr. Scott, A Calming Presence2022-01-18T00:33:41-05:00