Life skills olympics help teach real world, practical crafts

Feeding off the positive energy, flashing of cameras and fast-paced competition, Mia Rooks helped her team bring home a trophy in the third annual life skills olympics. At the same time, the competition will help the 17-years-old with her transition plan of attending a four-year university to pursue a degree in social work. “It was an exciting energy, this is my second year going but my first year participating in it last year, I went and I cheered the team on,” Rooks said, “and this year, it was exciting. It’s very loud, but it’s a great energy and it’s nice [...]

Life skills olympics help teach real world, practical crafts2024-04-26T11:11:00-04:00

Tasha’s Hardwork

Tasha has been working so hard at our new IDC in Woodbridge Middle School! The staff has noticed her seamless implementation of our behavior modification system and unique rotation system. She is always working hard to help the students improve both academically and behaviorally! Tasha is a great leader in the classroom and is the first staff to help others! She has a positive and outgoing personality that radiates in the building. "Tasha has been a great addition to the High Road team. She has a passion for education and helping children that have shown great results within the in-district [...]

Tasha’s Hardwork2022-01-18T00:28:23-05:00

Making Great Strides With Dylan

Dylan was chosen to be a student of the month because he has made great strides in his ability to calm down during frustrating times at school. Dylan has worked hard using our calm down space and other coping mechanisms to earn zero directed time outs in January! "Dylan is really working hard at recognizing he is frustrated and taking breaks when needed!"- Miss Brandi "I worked in the calm down room, with fuzzies, and deep breaths to not go to time out all month. I am very proud that I did not go to time out!"- Dylan [...]

Making Great Strides With Dylan2022-01-18T00:34:21-05:00

What Jeremiah Is Most Proud Of

Jeremiah joined High Road School at the beginning of the year. Since he has joined us Jeremiah has maintained Blue or Green! He is a hard worker and this month he has been seen helping other students in his class make good choices and with their academics! "Jeremiah comes to school each day with a smile on his face and ready to learn. This month especially Jeremiah has been helping around the classroom and even with his classmates!"- Miss Alaina Jeremiah says he is most proud that he earned blue level and was able to go on the [...]

What Jeremiah Is Most Proud Of2022-01-18T00:28:46-05:00

Getting on the Right Track with Brandi

Brandi has stepped into the teacher in training role and has taken off! She has implemented new systems and really has the classroom on the right track. Other staff members voted Brandi as Staff of the Month because she is always the first to help in the classrooms, take kids on breaks, and is a vital member of our team. "Brandi has really shown her passion for education and her heart for our students. She has stepped into a role that is new for her and really taken pride in it!" - Scott Polleck [...]

Getting on the Right Track with Brandi2022-01-18T00:29:19-05:00

Akiva’s Goal of Transitioning Back to School

Akiva has worked very hard in October to achieve all Blue level days! He has been working to transition back to his home school! He is very proud of his level which is now 42 days on blue level. He is also proud that he achieved his goal to transition back to his home school. "Akiva is a hard worker, gives insightful comments in group discussion, and has been working hard on his personal goal each day in class!"- Miss Sarah Visit our website to learn more about High Road School [...]

Akiva’s Goal of Transitioning Back to School2022-01-18T00:29:19-05:00

Staff of the Month: Dante

What impact has Dante had on colleagues and students over the past month? Dante has been apart of our building for over two years. This past month Dante has really pushed himself by teaching two subjects and taking on a special! Dante is also the football coach. Dante is the type of staff member that people want to work with. He is always there to support students, but also the staff. Dante is always willing to assist wherever is needed and never says no. His subtle sense of humor and knowledge of football always make for good [...]

Staff of the Month: Dante2022-01-18T00:35:24-05:00

Student of the Month: Mat

What has Mat accomplished over the past month to achieve Student of the Month? Mat has really come out of his shell this month! He has maintained blue consistently through-out the month. "Mat is always helpful and respectful in class. He has really tried to be courteous, and on task every day this month!" -Mr. KC, Middle School teacher What is something Mat has accomplished so far this school year that they are proud of? Mat has struggled in the past maintaining level and a consistent schedule of work. He has been kind, alert and on task [...]

Student of the Month: Mat2022-01-18T00:35:26-05:00

Student of the Month: Nicolas

What has Nicolas done over the past month to achieve Student of the Month? Nicolas is a newer student to High Road School. He always come to school with a positive attitude, is a blue level student and has outstanding manners! What has Nicolas accomplished so far this school year that he is proud of? This year Nicolas has maintained Blue level points every day, and has been able to bounce back from minor set backs. Nicolas is a leader in the classroom, and shows kindness to every student and staff. During lessons he is always [...]

Student of the Month: Nicolas2022-01-18T00:33:29-05:00

Meet our Social Worker

Alisha McCanney LCSW – School Social Worker   Alisha began her career with High Road School in 2015. Previously she worked with Wraparound Delaware supporting youth in mental health court, truancy court, and low level supervision. Visit our website to learn more about High Road School

Meet our Social Worker2022-01-18T00:33:31-05:00