Staff of the Month: Ms. Hartwich

What impact has Christine had on colleagues and students over the past month? Ms. Hartwich is new to the High Road School of Hartford High team although she began her High Road career at our Primary School in 2014. When the opportunity to teach in our Transition Classroom at the High School became available, she jumped at the offer! Why did other staff members select Christine as Staff of the Month? Ms. Hartwich is excelling in a variety of ways in her new setting! She is the most seasoned of our teachers which allows her to be [...]

Staff of the Month: Ms. Hartwich2022-01-18T00:31:27-05:00

Student of the Month: Bryan

What has Bryan done over the past month to achieve Student of the Month? Bryan has excelled in the last month in academics and especially on his most recent i-Ready diagnostic assessment! He has been working hard on maintaining school appropriate behaviors “Bryan is very motivated to stay on color. He knows the things that he struggles with but tries and if he can’t do it; he still wants to move on and work hard in his other subjects," according to Ms. Hartwich Transition Teacher, High Road of Hartford. What is something Bryan has accomplished so far [...]

Student of the Month: Bryan2022-01-18T00:31:27-05:00

Money, Money, Money!

High Road of Hartford High runs on token economy which translates to students earning school money based on their color level for the day. This system is a way to encourage students to complete their assignments and acts as an incentive for increased positive behaviors. Teaching Assistants in each class keep track of the money earned daily as well as any money they spend on things like the school store.Ms. Hartwich’s class, our Transitional Classroom, has a different approach and keeps track of their own money with adapted check registers. The staff assists their students with completion of this every [...]

Money, Money, Money!2022-01-18T00:31:40-05:00

Cows, Pigs and Horses! Oh my!

We at the Hartford High Road High School pride ourselves on our amazing team of professionals! We have excellent support from Mrs. Mele, our Occupational Therapist and Mrs. Canty our Speech and Language Pathologist. Mrs. Canty works with our students both in the school setting and out in the community. She took advantage of our trip to Flamig Farm in Simsbury to work with our students in a new and fun setting. Most of our students who attended this field trip have not had a chance to interact with farm animals which made for a perfect speech opportunity. Our students [...]

Cows, Pigs and Horses! Oh my!2022-01-18T00:31:40-05:00

Computer Classes in the Summer

This summer our High Road High School of Hartford High School students in our Transition classroom serving students between the ages of 18-21, were fortunate to have IT Trainer Joanne Liljedahl be our volunteer computer teacher. Miss Joanne, as she preferred to be called, touched on the basics of the computer in the workplace. Students learned about navigating Microsoft Office through a series of fun activities including changes of fonts, styles, and importing pictures from the internet using Bing. Miss Joanne's favorite lesson to teach is on Excel. She used hand outs and hands on activities to play a game [...]

Computer Classes in the Summer2022-01-18T00:33:35-05:00