Avery enrolled at HRA in March 2017, and she is currently in the 8th grade. Avery expressed that she likes the teachers at High Road, and especially enjoys reading instruction with Ms. Downie. “She is the best teacher because she is kind, jokes around, and understands my sarcasm,” Avery said of Ms. Downie.
Staff members applaud Avery for her “hard work, cooperation, respect and her helpfulness with other students.” She has been described as someone who “cares deeply about her peers and checks in with them.”
Outside of school, Avery enjoys reading and working with animals on the farm. Her family recently got two goats that “follow me everywhere and try to eat my food,” Avery said. In addition, Avery loves horseback riding, her chinchilla named Marbles, and all things Ariana Grande.
While at HRA, Avery feels she has achieved many academic goals and made progress in her math and writing skills. Avery expressed that she may wish to be an author or photographer when she grows up.
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