Coaching and Professional Learning

Creating Exceptional Environments for Students with Exceptionalities

Most students with special needs spend the majority of their time in general education classrooms, so it is vitally important educators are prepared to create classroom climates and instruction that meet the needs of all students, including those with special needs.

Our Special Education Coaching and Professional Learning programs combine job-embedded coaching with a sequence of trainings that enable the implementation of new ideas and effective, evidence-based practices to promote the achievement of students with special needs.

Creating Exceptional Environments for Students with Exceptionalities

In partnership with Catapult Learning, we offer a wide range of Professional Development and Coaching opportunities.

Focused Professional Learning Tracks

Our partnerships provide a flexible programming model and options that strengthen a district’s continuum of student and professional learning services. We help districts ensure every student succeeds by working together to build capacity to serve all students with behavioral and academic support needs.

Programs are tailored to the needs of your school community and target specific areas based on our mutual assessment to create the greatest impact. Our solutions are designed for both special and general education leaders and teachers.

Educators will examine the structures and strategies necessary to establish and maintain pro-social climates and cultures for learning to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of schools and to achieve social, emotional and academic outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities and students from underrepresented groups.

Because most general educators educate at least some students with disabilities, an important part of the role of a general educator is to understand and abide by special education-related laws and regulations. Educators will explore major pieces of federal legislation which impact their role as classroom teachers, as well as some of the actions and activities necessary to participate fully as members of the instructional teams supporting students with disabilities.

Educators will explore a full range of instructional strategies identified by the National Center for Intensive Intervention for both special and general educators to meet the needs of students with disabilities and improve student outcomes.

Educators will delve into strategies for understanding the needs of students with learning differences and for designing and delivering flexible and responsive instruction that meets the needs of every learner in the classroom. With a focus on thoughtful co-planning and co-teaching practices, educators will explore how to provide different paths to learning, including specially designed instruction for students with disabilities, to accelerate the performance of all students.

Educators will review the essential components of effective multi-tiered support, which can include Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Response to Intervention (RTI). We will partner with you to develop a building-level plan for successful implementation of multi-tiered support systems and review strategies for designing and delivering tiered academic and behavioral interventions

Job-Embedded Coaching Brings New Learning to Life

At SESI, we place coaching at the center of our professional development efforts. Our comprehensive coaching platform is a capacity-building support system for leaders and teachers as they strive to implement or advance research-based best practices.