Septembers student of the month is Sergio Gonzales. Sergio is silver level, on one of the highest behavior levels. Sergio has worked very hard to earn silver level and improve his social interaction skills and anger management. Sergio has been a student with High Road Upper for just under 3 years, and came to us with severe behaviors. Presently, Sergio completes assignments, volunteers in class, is friendly with his peers and staff, and is very respectful to others. Sergio is a pleasure to have in class, and he will even try to help his peers if he sees them struggling. When asked why he thinks he earned this honor, Sergio could not contain his happiness nor stop smiling. He simply told staff that “it is better to be a good person than to be bad. People feel good when you treat them good.” Sergio completed the certificate programs in culinary arts and computer repair at Prince George’s Community College in the spring. We are so very proud of Sergio and look forward to his continued growth over the next year! Congrats Sergio!