High Road School of Frederick County2025-03-10T09:06:32-04:00

High Road School of Frederick County

High Road School of Frederick County is a Type I full day Special Education and related services program serving the instructional and behavioral requirements of students with emotional disabilities in grades 1-12. The focus at High Road School of Frederick County is the development and implementation of highly individualized behavioral and learning programs to meet the needs of each student. These programs are developed in accordance with the IEP and all available assessment data.

  • (P) 240.410.0380
  • (F) 240.410.0456
  • 8450 Broadband Drive, Suites Q-T
    Riverside Technology Park, Frederick, MD 21701
Home > Our Locations > High Road Schools of Maryland > High Road School of Frederick County

Student Population 

With a maximum capacity of 70 students, our program will offer instruction for male and female students in grades 1-12, ages 6-21.
In addition to primarily serving students with specific emotional disabilities, the High Road School of Frederick County also provides services for students who have been diagnosed with Autism, Developmental Delay, Intellectual Disability, Multiple Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injury and Other Health Impairments.


The High Road School of Frederick County will be administered by an Administrative Head/Education Director who is responsible for its operation and the following staff: Certified Special Education Teachers, Assistant Teachers, 1:1 Aides, Social Worker, Speech Language Therapist, Contracted Occupational Therapist, contracted BCBA, Consulting Nurse, Office Manager and Consulting Psychiatrist.  Additional support and oversight will be provided by the President of Specialized Education of MD, Inc., Regional Vice President, Senior Director of Academics and Regional Director.
Each class will be staffed by one full-time Certified Special Education Teacher and one full-time Assistant Teacher with a student to teacher ratio of 9:1.

High Road School of Frederick County, is a Type I full day Special Education and related services program serving the instructional and behavioral requirements of students with emotional disabilities in grades 1-12. The focus at High Road School of Frederick County is the development and implementation of highly individualized behavioral and learning programs to meet the needs of each student. These programs are developed in accordance with the IEP and all available assessment data.

By focusing on key areas — academics, behavior modifications, support services, and transition / life planning services — we are able to meet the individual needs of all students through these varied approaches to instruction. Through collaboration with a student’s IEP team, we are able to choose the most appropriate learning model based on a given student’s present levels of performance, social capabilities, motor coordination, and ability to learn in a group setting.

Utilizing four specific instructional rotations, students are assessed academically, gain self-regulation skills, learn with district-aligned academic curriculums, and utilize integrated technology.

Transition Program

All of the programming that is designed to transition the student from school to work emphasizes preparation for productive employment after graduation. To make this employment as successful and fulfilling as possible, we help the student explore his or her interests and then build upon natural talents in choosing possible career paths. As students mature, we encourage them to gradually become more self-reliant. Our Transition Services staff aids in this process by giving the students just the right amount of independence and interaction with the wider community, while still providing the supports necessary for the students to feel secure and confident.

School-to-Work Program

Our School-to-Work Program offers students the opportunity to participate in true-to-life jobs within the school setting. The end goal of the program is to develop the students’ employment skills and social skills in order to maximize their potential for success in the real world. As such, students seek to obtain jobs by first filling out an application and interviewing for the position they are interested in, as they would in real life. Once the student obtains a suitable position at school, they are held accountable for their attendance and performance, so we work with them on such aspects of employment as punctuality, responsibility, and working independently. Many of the jobs the students procure involve our student-run, on-the-premises retail business. Students participating in the School-to-Work Program are trained to operate many of the state-of the-art machines that make customized products for sale through this retail business.

Community Work

The High Road School affords students the opportunity to take their learning outside of the classroom and transfer it into the community. We work with our students to practice the proficiencies they have mastered in the School-to-Work Program, and then, when a student is ready, a job coach accompanies them to volunteer or paid job sites out in the community. We partner with a wide array of local-area businesses (including restaurants, hospitals, preschools, and retail shops) to expose the students to real-life work experience and social interactions. In this way, students can explore numerous career avenues and gain valuable work experience to list on their résumés.

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