High Road School of Hartford: High School
High Road School of Hartford: High School is a state-approved privatized special education day school for students with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. We serve the instructional and behavioral needs of high-school-aged students in a supportive and structured environment. The program is designed to focus on personalized academic and behavioral goals so that students can return to a less restrictive educational setting.
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- (P) 860.856.6511
- (F) 860.856.6512
- 245 Locust Street
Hartford, CT 06114
Our Students
Students are referred by their school district to attend High Road School and are generally in grades 8–12+ (aged 13 to 21). They face disabilities in a variety of areas, including Emotional Disturbance, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Mood Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Intellectual Disabilities, Multiple Disabilities, Other Health Impairment, and ADD/ADHD.
Our Staff
We are proud to employ certified special education teachers, an occupational therapist, physical therapist, a social worker, a speech and language pathologist, a consulting BCBA therapist, and a consulting school psychologist.
Utilizing four specific instructional rotations, students are assessed academically, gain self-regulation skills, learn with district-aligned academic curriculums, and utilize integrated technology.
Our occupational therapists support students with sensory, perceptual, and motor problems in better meeting the daily demands of their environment. OTs use directed play as the primary method of treatment; however, classroom consultation directly with teachers and assistants regarding the student’s abilities is also key to their success. Directed play includes such activities as mazes and target games to develop hand-eye coordination and ball games to increase coordination between two sides of the body. Through the use of movement, touch, and other functional activities, the students more effectively develops the responses needed to function in the classroom, home, and community environments. As the child ages and his or her needs change, the focus is on the acquisition of specific skills used in daily life. These can include learning to measure baking ingredients, personal care, or crossing busy streets, depending on the student’s abilities.
Our social workers guide students through social emotional growth. They focuses on helping the students develop age-appropriate skills and behaviors for the classroom and beyond. Through the use of recreational and other activities, they assist students in building self-esteem, applying social skills, and practicing leadership and team participation. The students are seen individually and in small-group sessions. It is also not unusual to find social workers in the classroom leading social skills activities.
In addition to our High School Program, we also have a 5th year 12+ classroom for students who are interested in and qualify for an additional year of transition and job readiness supports. These students complete functional academics in the morning and are then taken out to various job sites to gain work experience and increase life skills. Students in this program are responsible for managing their own “bank account” of money earned at the job sites and are then provided with Visa cards to practice managing income and expenses. Some of these job sites such as Shop Rite, The Book Store Next Door, Sacred Heart Church, Active Day Senior Center, and Petco. These students also explore future career options and training programs required for desired careers. Our staff work diligently to identify students’ interests and foster partnerships with job sites that meet their specific interests.
During the holidays, we adopt a family through the Salvation Army Adopt a Family for The Holidays program and students and staff are able to donate money or requested presents for the family adopted.
Student Spotlight
Resources & Upcoming Events
Kim McVean
High Road School of Hartford County
2023-2024 Campus Winner
Hilary McDonald
Sierra School of Peoria
2022-2023 Campus Winner