Glynn County School of Scholars

Glynn County School of Scholars provides an intensive, structured, individualized special education program aimed at strengthening each student’s academic and organizational skills, social and emotional abilities, sense of responsibility, job skills, and self-esteem. Our goal is get our students to the point where they can successfully reenter “mainstream” schools and the community. All students are encouraged, nurtured, respected, and supported in achieving their full potential in an enriching, positive environment.

  • (P) 912.267.4141
  • 2900 Albany St.
    Brunswick, GA 31520
Home > Our Locations > Glynn County School of Scholars

Glynn County School of Scholars provides an intensive, structured, individualized special education program aimed at strengthening each student’s academic and organizational skills, social and emotional abilities, sense of responsibility, and self-esteem. Our goal is get our students to the point where they can successfully reenter “mainstream” schools and the community. All students are encouraged, nurtured, respected, and supported in achieving their full potential in an enriching, positive environment.

We teach social skills, life skills, transitioning from school to life, and small group instruction. We collaborate with speech therapists, occupational therapists and counselors to ensure students receive the instruction and interventions they need.

Our Students

Students are referred by their school district and are generally in grades K–12 (aged 5 to 18). They face disabilities in a variety of areas, including Autism, Intellectual Disability, Emotional Disability, Other Health Impairments, Specific Learning Disability, and more.

Our Staff

We are proud to employ certified special education teachers and provide Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Counseling, Job Coaching, BCBA, Behavior Specialist, and PRO Act Training (Crisis Intervention).

By focusing on key areas — academics, behavior modifications, support services, and transition / life planning services — we are able to meet the individual needs of all students through these varied approaches to instruction. Through collaboration with a student’s IEP team, we are able to choose the most appropriate learning model based on a given student’s present levels of performance, social capabilities, motor coordination, and ability to learn in a group setting.

Utilizing four specific instructional rotations, students are assessed academically, gain self-regulation skills, learn with district-aligned academic curriculums, and utilize integrated technology.