High Road Academy of Prince George’s County Back to School Night
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Learn more about our school today.
Johnathan Price has become more independent and confident since enrolling at the High Road Upper School of Prince George’s County this school year. The 17-year-old’s mother, Jewel Price, says she is grateful and thankful to faculty and staff for the changes she has seen in her son, whose favorite subjects include computers and music. “He has a whole new level of confidence,” she said. “He’s come a long way.” As a single mother raising a child with some challenges, Price said she doesn’t know where she would be without High Road, especially his teacher Miss Smith. She credits staff with [...]
HRA is sponsoring a food drive in partnership with Food on the 15th, a program that collects and delivers non-perishable food to low-income older adults in Howard County. The school will be accepting donations, including plain cereals, canned fruits and vegetables, soups and other healthy items, from Monday, Nov. 28th through Monday, Jan. 9th. Please see the flyer for full details, and feel free to contact the school if you have any questions. Learn more about our school today.
Every year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15. At High Road Academy of PG they celebrated by learning about different Hispanic countries, culture, and history. Each class was assigned a country and they had to explain those various topics through pictures, writing and graphs. The students even indulged in different Hispanic cuisine. Learn more about our school today.
Malachi G. is a 10th grade student who is friendly and likes to laugh and have a good time but is also serious about his class work. Malachi always works hard in class, and listens to his teachers. Mr. Mattison said that Malachi is a pleasure to work with and is a student that you can count on to be a future leader. Maliki enjoys working on the computer and has expressed an interest in working in the hospitality industry when he graduates from high school. Good Luck Malachi and congratulations! Learn more about High [...]
Atiya Cook is a blue level student who demonstrates role model and leadership qualities to her peers and staff. Initially, Atiya came to High Road Upper School unmotivated and unable to control her frustration with being in school. Within a short period of time, Atiya redirected her focus to a bigger goal. Daily use of her preferred coping skills has allowed her to be a successful student, and a pleasant person to be around. Atiya conducts herself with maturity, self-motivated, and resists the urge to be distracted by others. Congratulations, Atiya!Atiya says she is most proud of improving not only [...]
Devin Ingram is a 9th grade student at High Road Upper School. He came to us from the Lower School in September and Devin has excelled as a high school student! Every morning Devin comes to school with a smile on his face, ready to joke with the first staff member he sees. Upper School staff describes Devin as “helpful,” “thoughtful,” “wise,” and “sweet” and say he is “always in a joyful mood.” Devin’s his favorite subjects are Math and English and his dream is to play professional football as a running back. When Devin isn’t at [...]
Septembers student of the month is Sergio Gonzales. Sergio is silver level, on one of the highest behavior levels. Sergio has worked very hard to earn silver level and improve his social interaction skills and anger management. Sergio has been a student with High Road Upper for just under 3 years, and came to us with severe behaviors. Presently, Sergio completes assignments, volunteers in class, is friendly with his peers and staff, and is very respectful to others. Sergio is a pleasure to have in class, and he will even try to help his peers if he sees [...]
Vashann R. has been one of many students to standout at the High Road Upper School. Vashann has had numerous successes including achieving blue level. One of his biggest accomplishments occurred this spring when Vashan represented his school at the Jalen White Regional Spelling Bee held at Prince George’s Community College. Students from across the region participated with high energy and enthusiasm with attempts at earning the coveted first place trophy. In the end, Vashann R. from High Road Upper School was the last student standing and declared the winner! We are so proud of all of [...]
Specialized Education Services, Inc. (SESI), a division of FullBloom, is a premier provider of special education and alternative education services for K-12 students. SESI partners with 600+ districts across the country to meet the needs of 7,000+ students with learning disabilities and behavioral challenges through day schools and in-district classrooms.
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