De’Andre has been selected for December’s Student of the Month for being a helpful, well-mannered, and a hardworking student. De’Andre has been working hard on being helpful in the classroom and around campus. De’Andre is able to help by setting up the classroom in the morning and cleaning in the afternoon to help keep our classroom and campus clean. De’Andre also helps Mr. Kevin on Fridays to tear down our classroom by moving chairs and desks. De’Andre is always looking for an opportunity to help any staff that needs a job done.
He continues to work on his manners with the staff and his fellow peers. De’Andre has been able to teach his peers how to say “yes ma’am” and “no thank you” as well as other manners that the classroom has adopted. He is quickly becoming a role model in the classroom!
De’Andre, the Elementary staff is super proud of the hard work you are doing in your academics, as well as the positive changes you have made in your behavior. We are so proud of you. Keep up the good work!
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